miércoles, 3 de agosto de 2016


+ INFO: aqui 

El Sindicato Popular de Vendedores Ambulantes ha hecho un llamamiento a la solidaridad, al posicionamiento, para exigir la libertad de los cinco manteros en prisión preventiva:

From the European South. Archives of the future: Italy, the postcolonial and the time to come

From the European South: A transdisciplinary journal of postcolonial humanities a refereed, open access e-journal that publishes articles, reviews, interviews, and creative interventions exploring the various facets of the postcolonial across the wide spectrum of the humanities a forum for the scientific research and urgent conversations of scholars, intellectuals and artists who are located in the European South or involved in and contributing to debates of/from the Global South 2016 | 1 Archivi del futuro: il postcoloniale, l'Italia e il tempo a venire Archives of the future: Italy, the postcolonial and the time to come